• If you run a website, you know that the content must be well written and designed to keep visitors' and customers' attention. But if your pages are too big, or you have oversized images that are making your visitors wait, your website will be overlooked, and the visitor will soon skip to your rivals' website.


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    In order to keep your visitors' attention, you need to optimist your web pages so that they load as quickly as possible, and run smoothly.

    By following these techniques, you can expect to:


    • Keep visitors interested in your website.
    • Keep your customers attention right through to the shopping cart.
    • Have quick loading web pages and images.
    • Save storage space on your host.
    • Cut your monthly bandwidth usage.
    • Have an error free website.


    There are many steps in optimizing a website and its' coding, but the following techniques are a select few that have been tested and have been proven to improve web page loading times.

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    Optimising Images.

    One very easy method of optimizing a website is to use images that are of good quality, but have a small file size. When producing images for the web, take into consideration the actual dimensions that the image will appear on the screen. You can set these dimensions in your favorite imaging software so that you won't have to crop or resize the image when it comes to loading it on the web page.

    Another factor of image loading times is the image format. There is much speculation about what image format is the "optimum" format for the web, but the answer depends on what you want the image to look like and in what context in the image will be used.

    If for example, you have images of products on an e-commerce web page with dimensions of 150 pixels width by 200 pixels height, the best format would probably be JPG (JPEG). But if you have for example, a logo that requires transparency, the best format would probably by PNG.

    As a general rule, all GIF formatted images should be replaced by the PNG format. This is due to the PNG format being more efficient when it comes to saving the image data.

    When saving JPG formatted images, use options such as the "Save for web" function (Adobe Photoshop) to lower the file size of the image.

    Optimising HTML and PHP code.

    The main structure of a website comes from the HTML coding. With overly complicated and error ridden coding, comes slow loading pages and large file sizes.

    By optimizing your HTML and PHP code, you can have faster loading web pages. Here are some examples on how to optimise your code:

    Remove unnecessary white space.

    By removing white space such as unnecessary indents (tabs) and line-breaks, you can lower your web page file size considerably. Although white space is preferred by web designers to navigate through code more efficiently, a large amount of it can add to file size, and will start to slow your web pages down.

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  • The following is a quick reference for new/soon to be webmasters, the information contained in this article is simply what has worked for me in the past, all webmasters will develop their own unique ways of going about their daily business.

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    1. Web hosting

    This will be your second hardest decision when it comes to launching your website, when first starting out it is OK to settle for free hosting, many free hosts will also give you a free sub domain, more about that in #2 Domain Names.If you do settle for a free host you must ensure this is only temporary, for the most part free hosts have terrible uptime and are littered with mandatory banners and or pop ups/unders, this is not a good way to develop a recurring customer base, and if there are 9 banners and pop ups on your site you better be getting paid for them.

    In order to choose the correct paid host you have to figure out what your site will need to run, is it an ecommerce site? do you need php/mysql? 35 databases etc. You are the only person that will be able to decide the requirements for your site.If you are unsure as to exactly what your site needs there are many sites out there that have databases full of web hosts and web host packages/prices.


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    2. Domain Name

    In order to run any website you will need a domain name, no one will ever find you without one, chances are at

    this stage no one will find you anyway.There are a few different ways we can go about obtaining a domain name, if you know exactly what you want and have some funds to purchase your .com go ahead and take that plunge, but if your not so sure you have found that perfect name, or if you don’t even know what kind of domain you would like, feel free to settle

    for a sub domain.Basically what we are trying to do with a sub domain is get your site on the net, that’s all, get it live so you can view it, make changes, fix bugs etc, we don’t want to launch a site that is not user friendly or just plain ugly.


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  • The network of web is becoming more crowded every day, literally dozens of pages of recorded while reading this article. It is increasingly difficult to achieve in masses. Designing effective website requires more than gathering the information and publish on the Internet. Like a good book or tutorial study quality web design demands attention to the selection, organization and presentation materials for fundamental research. Must be sought in the first place that's bright and attractive in all aspects of site design. Without the first, and then quickly lose their audience. Without half, not to draw attention to the first.

    Web page, follow the published standards for HTML, CSS and other standards are much more likely to be correctly interpreted, the different browsers (browsers) exist. If your site is written in "proper" HTML, you can be sure of what you've done the part that the user agent with the information needed for a page in the browser.

    Strive for consistency. Do you want an identity that each page of your project should have the common sense of the project: the coherence between the backgrounds, color schemes, navigational instruments and voice. This is especially important if you divide the number of pages in the group. Otherwise, the project will look like two or three separate real project, not a unit.

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    CSS is easier to design the site and your web content present in a linear fashion. Regardless of where or how it will appear in the text is a nice arrangement, because the CSS determines the layout. CSS helps you to organize your content for navigation links, while they continue to do so, it appears to the right or below. CSS is also easier and faster to design web pages and Birmingham gives a uniform appearance when approached by different browsers to load.

    PHP pages load slower than HTML tables and CSS web pages. However, these are the best choice for websites such as e-commerce sites, blogs and social networking sites. They are also ideal for sites where visitors can gather information and you can post comments. Many experienced designers Birmingham efficient use of PHP web page designs. HTML pages can offer some of the same functionality and even easier to load, but to use the database to retrieve data.


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    By keeping the same page, you can ensure that your visitors know that they are still online. The banners, backgrounds and fonts only confuse your visitors. Try to stick to a font or two at most. The human eye is set every time you read a text written by a new font. Do not annoy your visitors by using different fonts - leave for a moment!

    I'm sure if you follow these principles in web design, you'll be a nice place of your own.


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  • Last time we left with a very simple website displaying nothing but a title in the titlebar, and text in the body. The file for that tutorial is available at my blog (listed at the bottom of this post,) and the tutorial is also available there. Anyway, this second tutorial will cover adding images, centering items, and changing fonts. Ok, let us begin!

    First of all, I will tell you that the homepage for any site is named index (e.g index.html, index.htm, index.php). Web servers are programmed to display index first, which is why that is typically the homepage. I am going to use index.html for this tutorial. You can still use the same file as you did from the last tutorial if you like. I am going to begin with that same code, just the different file name.


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    We want to add an image to our website. This is done with the image tag

    <img></img>The way this is different from the other tags we have used is that this loads the image inside of it:<img src="picture.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="photo" />Let me dissect this code for you:



    <imgis an abbreviation for the word image, and is the beginning of the image tag. src is an abbreviation for the word source, and is telling the image tag where to find the image by name. Between the quotation marks is the name of the image you want to load(src="picture.jpg")The width and height attributes are specifying the dimensions of the image in pixels. The alt value specifies the text that appears if you hold your mouse over the image for a moment. The/>at the end of the image tag is actually a way of closing tags when there is no content between the opening and closing tags. For example, I can't close a paragraph tag like<p />because it needs to have content between the opening and closing tags. But for images, this is fine.


    This image tag can go anywhere, the same as paragraphs can. I am going to place it directly beneath the text we added in the previous tutorial.

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    Now for centering things. Simply enclose the elements you wish to center horizontally inside center tags

    <center></center>Anything between those tags will be horizontally centered. I am going to center everything, beginning at the first paragraph and ending after the image.


    That's all it takes to horizontally center items! Now we'll tackle fonts. To set fonts you use the font tag (surprise!)

    <font></font>Between the font tags you place the elements you want the font to affect. To change a font to Arial from the standard Times New Roman, set<font></font>Again, I'll dissect this code.<fontis the beginning of the font tag. face is the font that you are changing it to.</font>is the closing tag. So if I want my paragraph to be styled in the font tag, I will put it between the opening and closing font tags.


    And that's it! You should now be able to center items, add images, and change fonts. Come back for our next tutorials! Right now we're covering the basics, but we will get into CSS, JavaScript+jQuery, and even PHP.


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  • he answer is yes and no. There are some aspects of your site that you can create fairly easily, and some that are best left to professionals. Do not worry, though, you do not have to exceed your budget. You can find low-cost solutions to all of your needs.


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    Here are some basic design elements that you can create and design on your own:

    Color - choose two or three colors that go together, and stay away like black or dark green. Whatever text color you choose, make sure it is easy to read against your background.

    Navigation - are you going to have your navigation buttons on the top, side, or bottom? There is no hard and fast rule for this, other than make sure your navigation buttons are in the same place throughout all of your web pages.

    Home Page - make sure you give your visitors enough information to decipher what it is you do and how you can help them.


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    White Space - Do not have too much writing throughout your site, it gets too confusing for people to read. You want to make your pages easy on their eyes.

    Graphics - Too many graphics can be extremely distracting and take longer to load.

    Your Product or Service - Make sure people know what your product or service is and why they would benefit from purchasing from you.

    Here is where you will want to enlist the help of a professional:

    Domain Name and Hosting - There is really no way around this. You will have to pay to register a domain name and have purchase a hosting package. There are free sites out there that will allow you to host for free, but your website will be extremely unprofessional looking and contain third party ads. This is not the image you want to convey to your visitors.

    HTML Forms: This could very well be the most important component of your website. These forms are what allow you to keep in touch with your customers and collect important data. You will want to implement a newsletter sign up form, a 'contact us' form, and of course, an order form. There are ready-made forms that you can purchase online, and packages that fit any budget. Trying to create these forms on your own in order to save a couple of dollars could end up costing you thousands of dollars in the long run. If done incorrectly, you could potentially lose important customer data, orders, and payment info. Your customers will quickly lose their confidence in you and will place their next order with your competition.MachForm is an intuitive, browser based, self-hosted HTML form builder program. Designed as a modern HTML form builder, it makes use of the latest web technologies like AJAX, CSS, and JavaScript to provide a fluid browser based experience. Carefully designed for ease of use, MachForm interface let you design your form as easy as drag and drop. Adding a field to your form is just as simple as clicking button! MachForm makes you look Professional, further adding credibility to your service.Built for ease of use, creating form is now as effortless as typing. No programming experience is needed. Its interface will give anyone the ability to publish online forms or surveys and gather information within minutes! When it comes to your website, nothing is more important than being able to connect with your potential customers, and MachForm, is the TOP tool every website owner must have in their arsenal!


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